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Catching Up

I didn't intend for a week to pass before posting again, but life got crazy busy for a bit.  Todd and I sort of jumped into some projects that we have been putting off around the house and before we knew it, the week was over.  The big kids are out this week for spring break and spent some time with their cousins.  L and AC taught the little girls to play beauty shop...the first of many times, I'm sure!

The rest of the week is expected to be beautiful and warm, so we are looking forward to playing outside, soaking up the sun, and not having a schedule...I especially am excited about the last part!


Sam I Am said...

The ONLY drawback to reading your blog is that every time I see your very cute baby girls I get baby fever!!!!! :-)

Unknown said...

Awww thanks! And your blog makes me want to live on a farm so badly, even though I would have no idea of how to do all that you do!