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Is any one still here?  So, it's been a while since I've written and I could list a million reasons why, but I'll sum it up by saying blogging has had to take a back seat while we have adjusted to homeschooling, still trying to sell our house, technical difficuties with the blog itself, etc.  But, my little unplanned break made me realise how much I enjoy blogging and keeping a written journal of our days, so hopefully I'll be more consistent now!
The silence around here is certainly in contrast to life under this roof and can I just say for the millionth time since August.....
Why haven't we homeschooled from the beginning??? 
 Don't get me wrong, some days are very (very, very) difficult and my patience has been pushed beyond any limit imaginable, but I love our days and feel so blessed to watch them learn.  I was saying to a friend the other day that I feel like I have my kids back....I've just seen such a change as far as their attitudes and personalities.
The pictures below are from our nature study a few weeks ago (by far our favorite part of school!) and a few randoms because they are too cute!

 LJ chasing her shadow