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Still Waiting...

Again, back in the hospital and it looks like I'll be here until these girls make their debut......sigh. my bp continues to go up and down. The babies seem to be doing well. There is some concern over Baby A's (Lyla James) growth. She is measuring about 8 days behind Baby B (Mary Connor), but they are both measuring ahead of their actual age so my Dr. doesn't feel it's urgent. LJ is estimated to be right at 5lbs and MC 6lbs. As anxious as I am to meet these precious girls, I'm praying every hour for patience and peace while I continue to sit here. Anna Cate and Brian love coming to the hospital to visit and they seem to be handling the changes well......a lot better than me, in fact!


Jules said...

Stopping over from Multiples and More. I noticed you're in the hospital - hang in there! I'm just a few weeks behind you with twin girls (I think there are a few sets of twin girls in the queue over there, lol).