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This Week in Pictures

A very alert Lyla James ...she is so interested in everything going on around her

Annaa Cate and Brian ready for Hats On Day for Cancer Awareness at school. AC is holding the painting I commissioned her to do for a wall near the laundry room!

A very relaxed and comfy Mary Connor. Just to show personality differences: Mary Connor happily stays in her bed during the crazy morning time of getting ready for school, but Lyla James must be in the middle of it so she can see what's going on!

Lunch with precious friends.

Johnny Appleseed Day...Anna Cate with the girls.

Anna Cate's class

Brian insisted he wear one of Todd's white t-shirts for his costume. He was so excited!

Brian's class

The "race car" that has provided hours of entertainment for these two.

Our sweet babysitter, Natalie, home from school for her birthday...Anna Cate and Brian plotted all week how to surprise her with her cake!