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Rite of Passage

Today was a big day for the 6 year olds in our house....At our school, the kindergteners ride to field trips in parent's cars but starting in 1st grade, they get to take the school's bus.  To celebrate that they are about to be 1st graders, they got to ride to graduation practice on the bus and it was a "free dress"day.....HUGE!

After the drama of getting this sweet girl to pick out something to wear that did not come from the dress-up box, I am once again reminded of how thankful I am for uniforms.

I was a nervous wreck about them riding the bus because they wouldn't be in booster seats or seat belts at all, for that matter.  Have I ever shared my obsession over car seats?  AC and B rode in their 5-point harness Regents until this summer when Todd finally convinced me to let them graduate to boosters.  I planned to let them stay in the Regents until they reached the 80lb weight limit- putting us right around middle school- perfect. 

Anyway, we all survived and they loved riding the bus and can't for their 1st grade status to really go into effect!