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The Best Gift....

One of my biggest fears about having more children, was that it would take away from my time and attention with Anna Cate and Brian. 

A little blurry because these 2 are all about action...

I can remember talking about it with my older sister and her saying, "A sibling is the best gift a parent can give a child."

I couldn't agree more.


Allyson said...

I know EXACTLY what you mean, and I couldn't agree more!!!

Kelly said...

TOTALLY agree! I love my siblings! I see them more than i see my parents so it's so awesome to have so many kids to go see whenever I want...I mean there were 4 of us altogether but it's so nice to have built in friends

Unknown said...

Allyson- love that you're family is growing! God's hand.... it is amazing!

Kelly, I'm one of 4 (+ one in heaven) and couldn't agree more.. those built in friends come in handy if you have hormones!